Using recognised and accepted modern methods based on scientific research
Fully Qualified
Multiple nationally-recognised qualifications
Fun for All
Build a bond and work together with your dog to ensure a happy partnership
Contact me via WhatsApp on 07828673911 or use the button below

Learn at our dedicated training field
Set on a farm near Southend-on-Sea, we have a dedicated dog training field complete with all the equipment you will need to boost your dog’s skills.

An exciting mental and physical challenge navigating a course of various obstacles. All abilities from absolute beginner to competition level are welcome.

A fast growing dog sport that combines speed and teamwork to navigate a series of hoops, barrels and tunnels.

Rally Obedience
Refine your general training in this calm, heelwork based dog sport, focusing on traditional obedience style exercises.

Puppy Classes
A place to set your puppy up with basic life skills in the presence of others. Teach your puppy to focus on you and grow in confidence.

Private Lessons
Bespoke sessions to address to your particular needs where you and your dog are the focus.